Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Realisation of the day:

I am sure a lot of you are waiting to agree with this.

I am a Klutz...

klutz (klŭts)
n. Slang.
A clumsy person.
A stupid person; a dolt.


Anonymous said...

I second it :)

(long time.. how've you been?)


IssacMJ said...
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IssacMJ said...

Jim Davis!

Akila said...


guess the msg was earlier than my visit to ur hell hole!


Links said...

is this anantha lakshmi from erode ?

Anonymous said...

why do you look for compliments? aRE yOU fEELING lOW?

Akila said...

No! i am from somewhere nearby erode though...

hmmm..... hahahahaha....whatte an insight...well...for starters I love myself...as I have always...I am my fave person...and...I really mean it when I say I am a klutz... and whatz wrong in looking forward to my closest friends say I am not one and make me feel better!!!

Arpita said...

yello.. wonderful to come back after so long and see new entries :) Love the one with your thoughts.. you sure do have a flair for capturing them.. and hey woman 'stupid' - you're not! so dont go around foolin people! :)

Akila said...


hahahaha....Thanks pal..... sometimes I feel so clumsy abt myself...itz not funny!!

I was told in a training program..."Akila, you have the wonderful ability to laugh at yourself."...oooh...as Oprah would have said It was an AAha moment for me;)!