Saturday, May 20, 2006

random thoughts

Another couple of weeks and I have to leave home. I know, painful ain't it?
Well, Of course it is the start of a new phase in my life. The one high point is I would be earning.
Was thinking the other maybe even I should give up my career right away and start a book store like i always wanted to!! Seems to be the in thing these days. Maybe I will make create some noise because am sure I will be the first of a kind-one who gave up a career even before it began!!! or maybe not. Am sure someone has done it already!!!
Nothing much to write about today. Was reading the news on the net and reading some famous blogs. These guys sure do get their daily dose of fan mail.
This guy writes like a small paragraph and he gets 42 comments(but of course the guy was talking about the completion of his book) and I write a billion words and I get 3
1) giving me the telephone no. of the local bsnl helpline-WAS BRUTAL. OUCH!
2) someone who really liked my blog but took a printout of it and read it in the loo!!
3) a good friend fromTISS- ah someone still reads my blog.
and ya then there a lot of these cheapskates. The kinds who read my blog and go without a comment, The kinds like Sushant who msg me/call me/text me and have a full length conversation about my thoughts. Thanks Sushant.
There are also the kinds who read my blog and who msg me on yahoo/orkut. Nice blog, keep writing, howlarious. Kichna was generous with his compliments this time around.
I think the most painful moment is when you think you have a point or that you are funny and when the reader actually takes it literally.
I had written a post about how I have never met interesting men ever while on travel unlike what bollywood movies portray. I get this comment from a person
" Dont worry. Try and be yourself. Socializing is not the best method to meet "someone"."
GEE THANKS PAL. I needed that advice! That post promplty disappeared from my blog the following day.
But the killer was this one. I had answered a set of questions which i had been tagged for. Someone wrote"nice questions and ya answers too"
A friend told me I was overanalyzing!! I hope I was!
The worst this time was when someone mailed me with advice about how I should never speak to Govt.officials!!!
Ah the travails of a budding(read vella) blogger.


AlterinG Abhishek said...

"2) someone who really liked my blog but took a printout of it and read it in the loo!!"


Nice pics on orkut..
Keep blogging!!!

thoughter said... atleast get comments!!!

(P.S: is this comment alright??!??)