Thursday, February 09, 2006

the happy nut

Just thought I should pen down my feelings of the past few days. Have you ever been on a water scooter? I think it is an amazing feeling. You are right there in the front. The trainer sits behind you and your partner sits behind him. The trainer holds the steering and brakes very often to scare you. But when you go i think it is just an awesome moment. The vast expanse of the ocean staring at you. Nothing but water for as far as you can see……just plain greenish blue and the sun…..You have nothing to fear….the wind on your face…..exhilarating…..

And for the past few days I have been feeling just the same…. Happy with me as a person….enjoying the last few days of my college life….just plain fun…..

One of my guys remarked” gal you are taking up a job in a few months time…when the hell are you going to change”….well should I?!!! isn’t it nice being like this…

He calls me “nut”….ya thatz what I am – the happy nut….


Pavan N Rao said...

I did not know you blogged. when did you go waterscootering

Akila said...

goa....this jan end:)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Water scooter.......nope.

But I was hell scared while learning to drive ma bro's bike..coz he was not there to control the brakes or anything :))

Happy nut...hehehe :))

Gautam Ghosh said...

Interesting blog...

So have you already graduated from TISS ? Where have you got placed?

Akila said...

well thanx....i used to find my writing repulsive....but trying to get over my mental block...!!:)!
anyways...i am graduating this a ppo with coke....hence taking that one !
what do u do!

vinay said...

COKE?wow..congrats yaar...

and dont knwo why..i think you dream a lot........